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Writer's picturePreschool & Daycare

Little Known Facts About the Development of Your Young One

Young children are always a wonder to observe as they reach and surpass each milestone of their growth. As a parent, you always want to be the best influence your young one has during those formative years. The easiest way to do this is by empowering yourself with the knowledge you can apply to provide your child with enriched experiences that enhance their development.

To help you, read on to learn about these little known facts about the development of your young one and how reputable daycare centers can contribute to your child's success.

It's Never Too Soon to Teach Them a New Language

Early childhood is a goldmine when it comes to teaching your child language and boosting their vocabulary. That's because cells form the most connections any time before the age of 10.

This is the reason why kids find it so easy to piece language together. Therefore, if you want your child to learn both English and Spanish, for instance, you can take advantage of their fast language learning abilities by looking for daycare centers that focus on bilingual education.

Reading books is also a great way to improve your child's future vocabulary. Illustrated books also help your child to develop a vivid and creative imagination. The best daycare centers will have a variety of books for your child to utilize as well.

Your Child Learns Through Repetitive Sensory Experiences

Your child's development relies heavily on interaction with others. Therefore, once they start learning language, this interaction helps them link the words to objects and experiences.

Daycare centers use this fact to create memorable patterns in your child's brain. As your young one interacts with others and their teachers, they will learn information that accelerates their development.

Movement Is Crucial for Brain Development

Does it ever seem like your young one can't sit still? Children are naturally active. For instance, the average toddler takes 176 steps a minute. This is actually good for their brain, which also gets fired up.

Again, this is one of the reasons why sending children to daycare centers can enhance a child's development. When your child regularly attends a daycare center, their learning experience will be more hands-on. They will participate in many fun and interactive activities that also build their fine motor skills.

It's always fun watching your young one develop into the person you want them to be. Now that you know the things that help to boost their development, start applying your knowledge today so you can reap the joys of parenthood two-fold!

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